I say that this blog is not for the easily offended because it seems my little angel has inadvertently become a "potty mouth." It seems, my Little Man has a new word. I recently bought him a pair of flip flops and he absolutely loves them. Today, he thought he'd take a shot at saying "flip flop." He looked hard at his little shoes and opened his mouth and out popped "Fip F**K!" (You can use your imagination to fill in the rest of the word.) Well, Hubby and I tried to get him to say flop or even fop but neither of those would come out, so we decided to let it go for now and try not to laugh too hard or he'll say it just to be funny.
So, we were in Target just a little while ago and the monkey kicked one off and it landed on the rack under the cart. I looked all over for it (even asked at customer service). Finally I decided to take Drew back out to the car to see if it never made it in. When I went to get him out of the cart though, I finally saw where the flip flop had landed. I picked it up to show Drew and he proudly announced (loud enough for the entire front of the store to hear), "Oh!! My fip f**k!!!" I, of course ducked my head, popped him back in the cart, and made a bee line to the back of the store as everyone looked on.
So, we were in Target just a little while ago and the monkey kicked one off and it landed on the rack under the cart. I looked all over for it (even asked at customer service). Finally I decided to take Drew back out to the car to see if it never made it in. When I went to get him out of the cart though, I finally saw where the flip flop had landed. I picked it up to show Drew and he proudly announced (loud enough for the entire front of the store to hear), "Oh!! My fip f**k!!!" I, of course ducked my head, popped him back in the cart, and made a bee line to the back of the store as everyone looked on.
Its amazing how a child can embarass the living daylight out of you at the same time that he warms your heart so much.