Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The World's Cutest Boy!

Today, the world is a cuter place. Drew got to fulfill one of his dreams. For weeks now, he's talked about riding to the IGA, his pockets stashed full of change and buying an ice cream treat, all by himself. We attempted it a couple of weeks ago but a call from Daddy waylaid us, something that Drew was careful to take into account today.

He came bounding down the stairs after naptime, reminding me that he pooped in the potty today AND he had taken a nap. "I could ride my bicycle to the IGA and get some ice cream but sometimes I try that and Daddy calls us and we have to go back home and see him but I want to go to the store today so I should call Daddy and then I could tell him not to come home and see me right now because I'm busy!!!!" After this mouthful, I willingly handed over the phone for him to make the very important call.

After Jesse and I both got done laughing at the amount of animation in that one little face and voice, Drew and I set out for our trip. (I have to throw this in there, he is getting soooo good at his bike...he's even learned how to stand up on the pedals to push himself over a bump! ) The ride to the store was without incident, except for a near collision with a brick wall when he saw another little boy on a was, however, thankfully averted.

He carefully parked his bike and took his helmet off and then very business like headed into the store, "Thank you" he said as he nodded to the automatically opening doors. Once inside he drug me to the ice cream cooler and informed me that as a special treat, he was going to let me pick out something too. After deciding that we should get fudge bars, he carried them up to the counter to pay for them.

This is where things went slightly awry. You see, in order for a little boy to get the full pleasure out of an experience like this, you have to have a cashier who will play along. Our mistake was in choosing one who was too busy talking to the checker across from her. Her loss, because apparently she failed to realize that the world's cutest boy was standing in front of her, digging in his pockets for the right amount of change (carefully counted out by Mommy ahead of time) and chatting to her about how her day was going. I'm pretty sure she also missed his parting call as we walked past her counter, "Thanks so much for youwr help! Have a good day!"

Fortunately, he didn't seem to be too concerned by the cashier's lack of involvement because he quickly got back on his bike and we started our trip back. We took a break at the park, where, as my monkey would say, we "enjoyed" our "tasty treats" enormously! It was there though that I realized I didn't have my camera with me to document this new level of cuteness...something that I'm still kicking myself for. Self satisfaction was painted all over that adorable face (along with quite a bit of melted fudge bar) and to top it off we had to pull off his shirt and use it to wipe him down with. It was a very content little man that rode the rest of the way home, sticking his bare little chest out and waving happily to the neighbors as we passed.

Yes, my friends, I'm a very blessed woman...I have the world's cutest boy for a son!

Friday, July 9, 2010

What Did You Say?!?!

Its time to write down a few more Drew funnies...the boy never ceases to amaze me with his intelligence, sense of humor and verbal antics.
As you may be able to see from the picture, he recently had a haircut. The conversation that followed was certainly something for the books. The entire time I was cutting it, I kept having to dodge small hands that suddenly shot up and grabbed it. This was inevitably followed by, "Mommy! What are you doing?? Where is it going? Are you going to cut it ALL off!?!?" When I finished, he sat there with a sad look on his face, "Oh Mommy!" he cried, "am I still handsome?" Of course, I told him he was very handsome but when he still seemed upset, I told him if he wanted to he could grow it back out again when the weather cooled off. To which he replied, "Oh good! I like it better longer." Is this a normal conversation to have with someone who isn't even 3 yet? I'm thinking its probably not...
Speaking of his age, he told me a couple of weeks ago that he is going to be 3 in August (which is true) and then proceeded to tell me who I was to invite and what exactly he wanted to have happen at his party. I thought I still had a couple more years before he dictated birthday parties?
He is very focused on his approaching birthday; at the park this morning, he started playing with some 5-6 year old girls. Finally, they asked him, "How old are you anyway?" To which he responded (in a very condescending manner, I might add), "I'm going to be 3 in August." As if this fact makes him quite a man.
Bedtime prayers continue to be an exercise in restraining from hysterical laughter on my part. After overhearing my friend Ashlee and I discussing that Baby Gracey probably needed a change of clothes since hers were wet, Drew began to pray every night, "Deawr God, thank you for Baby Gracey but please get hewr a new outfit." Trust me, the girl has plenty of outfits!
He still prays for a baby sister of his own every night too. A few nights ago, we were talking after he prayed and he said, "If I have a baby sister then when she gets scared at night, I can go to her crib and sing 'I'll take care of you, don't be sad, don't be blue!'" Talk about the way, he's learned the whole song and now he sings it with me when I tuck him in.
I have to constantly remind myself that he picks up on everything. A couple of weeks ago, he heard a cricket and wanted to know what it was. I explained that it was a bug and that it made that sound by scratching its legs together. Earlier this week, he heard some again. "What's that Mom?" he asked. "What is that?" I responded (a game I plan with him often to teach him to answer things for himself). "Its a cricket," he answered. "And its rubbing it's legs together to make music," I continued. "Oh no," he said, "its SCRATCHING it's legs together." Of course, what was I thinking...
As we walked by a truck with some sort of machine in the back, he wanted to know what it was, I responded that I wasn't really sure. To which he answered, "Oh that is a pulley. You can use it to lift heavy objects." ?!?!?!?!?! Suddenly, I remembered that there had been an episode of Sid, the Science Kid a couple of months ago that was on pulleys. Is there anything he doesn't remember?
I think I'll stop here for now...the truth is, I could probably go on all day. Besides, this afternoon we're going to play on the slip n slide and tomorrow is the Freedom Festival in town so I'm certain there will be much, much more tell by the end of the weekend!