As I mentioned yesterday, we've been working hard on the medieval torture known as potty training. He's been doing fantastic recently, aside from his aversion to going "poo-poo" as he puts it. Now I should probably clarify the use of the term "aversion." By this I mean that if I gave him the choice between using the potty and having each of his finger nails pulled off one at a time, he would probably gladly give me his hands. In fact, he finds the whole thing so excruciating that he often attempts to pull my finger nails off in the process.
Doing a quick calculation this morning, I realized it had been 4 days since there was any movement from the bowel region and I came to the conclusion that at some point today even the most stubborn of potty trainees would have to give way to nature.
We made it until right after our joint nap time when I awoke to horrific screams coming from down the hall. I quickly sprinted to his room where he threw his arms around me and yelled, "Da poo-poo is coming!" We rushed to the bathroom, I quickly sat him on the potty and we made it just in time. Enter the cheers and accolades and a proud little man requesting that he have muffins made in his honor.
While the muffins were cooking, he managed to run off with my phone and announce his success in life to his Uncle Jake and his Nonni...much like an Olympian would hoist their recently received gold medal over their head. Within 30 minutes, my little champion was enjoying his triple berry muffins and that, my friends, is the taste of sweet satisfaction!
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