Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Funny Drew-isms

So things have been crazy busy lately and I haven't had time to blog. Still winding down but I thought I'd throw out some recent "funnies" from the little monkey (a.k.a. The Family Comedian).

Its about 6:45 pm here and I hear a big sigh from the living room, "Man I'm sweepy...I tink I need to go back and get in my bed."

For some reason, instead of saying "sometimes" Drew says, "Happentimes." Example: "Happentimes I bump my head."

We're making major progress with the potty training. Tonight he went poo-poo and said, "Wow! Mom, did you see dat fall out my booty?"

When told that Daddy would be taking him to storytime at the library this morning he said, "Yay!!! Daddy gives me cookies!"

He's taken to referring to all family members as "good fwiends" lately.

Jesse and I have been hanging stuff on the walls and so we've had the measuring tape and level out. For the record, the correct pronunciation for measure is "May-shur"...that boy's from Texas!

Upon realizing that mommy got new shoes on her shopping trip he said, "My need new shoes too dough!" I told him that it was ok, he had his boots. To which he said, "No, day JOHN DEERE boots and my wove dem." Nothing more was said about needing new shoes.

And one more for the road:

This morning he spotted a bug crawling down the baseboard. He took off running with his clean underwear and tried to use it squish it. I told him not to use that and he kicked the baseboard as hard as he could and yelled, "Ha Ha! My kicked it in da head!"

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I love reading all the wonderful and hilarious things that your little guy keeps saying to you. He is TOO funny! Rowe isn't talking very much yet but all your posts make me really excited about all the crazy things he will one day tell me. You seem to be a really great mommy! Keep the stories coming! =)
