"All myself" appears to be the phrase of the moment. A recent growth spurt seems to have perpetuated this even further. Now brushing his teeth is a battle because he can reach the toothpaste and brush; therefore it must be done, "all myself." He can also reach the soap and faucet and so washing hands must be done, "all myself." A trip to the potty equals a slam of the bathroom door and opening it before he is finished earns me a loud, "MOM!!! I do it all myself!" This is ,generally speaking, accompanied by a look and moan that I was certain I wouldn't be receiving until much closer to puberty. This morning's "all myself" moment came as he was dressing himself. The underwear and pants went on no problem but it would appear the shirt gave him some difficulty. Jesse was concerned that it was on inside out; my concern was that apparently my son is sporting a tube top. After several frustrating minutes as Drew realized that there was some sort of problem, resulting in his shirt down around his hips, he conceded that perhaps this one time he didn't have to do it on his own.
I wonder where this stubbornness and desire for independence comes from???
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