Today Drew discovered the small town joy of the ice cream truck, driven by a sweet old lady that ohh-ed and ahh-ed over him as he picked out his treat. Those ice cream trucks use to creep me out beyond belief...perhaps it was the sleazy male driver vaguely resembling someone I had seen on the 6:00 news, combined with the 15 passenger van providing a prime opportunity for the kidnapping of unsuspecting children. Columbus is completely different though. In part, due to the sweet old lady and the fact that her truck is a converted golf cart with coolers on the back certainly doesn't hurt.
Of course, Columbus in general feels such a wholesome and simplistic place. This is the town where almost no one locks their house (even when they aren't home) and where 6 year olds bike to the park on their own and play for hours. A friend and I joke that you could even leave your car windows down, keys in the ignition, doors unlocked and in the event of a rain shower, someone would come along and roll the windows up for you (another friend recently confirmed this to be true). Cyclists and pedestrians abound here and the majority of the town seems to be on a first name basis.
So, while I may not be in my beloved South and while I may occasionally have to do battle with less than thrilling temperatures (today's high is somewhere around 60), we have found a place we call home and can only hope to be so blessed as to raise our family here.
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