Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 Things I Never Imagined Saying

As amazed as I am at the things that my little monkey says, I'm always equally amazed at what I find myself saying. So here it is, my very own top 10. The top 10 things that I never imagined myself saying:
10. No, Baby, Jesus doesn't really live IN the sunshine.
9. Yes, I kissed your imaginary dinosaur goodnight too.
8. Yes, that is a very cute baby but it has its own family so no, you cannot take it home.
7. Whats that squishing sound? Oh, wait...its the 2 year old boy pee that soaked into my flip flop.
6. Uh, that's a mommy thing. Please put it back in my purse and STOP BENDING IT THAT WAY!
5. Do not eat the dirt out of the windowsill!
4. Its not nice to just go around licking people. Why? Because its just gross.
3. Its kind of important to be sure you have pants on before you run out of the house.
2. Daddy only cries more than Mommy because he thinks its funny.
1. Fine! Pick your nose so you can fall asleep...just don't let me see it!

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