Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sweet Satisfaction

That, my friends, is the face of satisfaction. Let me preface this posting by saying that unless you're a parent, you might find this a little crude. However, we in the parenting world understand that bodily functions are a fact of life and in this instance, something to be celebrated.

As I mentioned yesterday, we've been working hard on the medieval torture known as potty training. He's been doing fantastic recently, aside from his aversion to going "poo-poo" as he puts it. Now I should probably clarify the use of the term "aversion." By this I mean that if I gave him the choice between using the potty and having each of his finger nails pulled off one at a time, he would probably gladly give me his hands. In fact, he finds the whole thing so excruciating that he often attempts to pull my finger nails off in the process.

Doing a quick calculation this morning, I realized it had been 4 days since there was any movement from the bowel region and I came to the conclusion that at some point today even the most stubborn of potty trainees would have to give way to nature.

We made it until right after our joint nap time when I awoke to horrific screams coming from down the hall. I quickly sprinted to his room where he threw his arms around me and yelled, "Da poo-poo is coming!" We rushed to the bathroom, I quickly sat him on the potty and we made it just in time. Enter the cheers and accolades and a proud little man requesting that he have muffins made in his honor.

While the muffins were cooking, he managed to run off with my phone and announce his success in life to his Uncle Jake and his Nonni...much like an Olympian would hoist their recently received gold medal over their head. Within 30 minutes, my little champion was enjoying his triple berry muffins and that, my friends, is the taste of sweet satisfaction!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let's Try This Again...

So about a year ago, the idea of a blog took my fancy. I hurried to open this account and excitedly set out to right my first blog. Not so long after (around two posts, I think) reality set in. As a wife and mother of a rambunctious monkey who worked, on average, anywhere from 30-50 hours outside of the home in a week, a regular blog was not realistic. least not for me.

Months later, things have changed. I'm still a wife to an amazing man working in ministry and still the mother of a rambunctious and now precocious little monkey but now I get to be those things from home. My blog is called "Life's Little Adventures" but in January we faced a huge adventure. God called us to Columbus, MT, a wonderful little town that happens to be 25 hours from my parents and many, many miles north of the Mason-Dixon line. Yes, the unthinkable has happened, this southern girl has moved to the far north.

The scenary is beautiful, the weather not nearly as brutal as I had imagined and the people are wonderful. What started off as an amazing adventure is quickly becoming one of the wisest decisions we've ever let God lead us in. Jesse works with amazing people and has a job he loves. I'm getting to live out the desires of my heart by being a stay at home mom. We are truly blessed!

Anyway, now that I have more time on my hands, I thought I would try, once again, to keep a blog going. It gives me the chance to talk to people (or at least pretend I do) that are above the age of 2. Besides, I need to have a place to keep track of all the insane (and amazing things my little monkey says and does).

On that subject, I'll leave you with the first entry on the craziness of Drew. We're working hard on potty training in the hopes that he will be almost completely there by the time #2 is on the way. This morning he announced he had to go so we hurried to the potty. As we were sitting there (in the way-to-early morning hours) his tummy growled. "Oh Mommy!" he yelled, "My tee-tee just growled out at me!" This is definitely proof that there are times for hysterical laughter...even early in the morning.