Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Q & A with the Monkey

Recently, I read a blog where a friend of mine said that she never wanted to be "that mom" who always talks about her kid, as she lead into a story about him.  She is so not that mom.  Her blog is absolutely adorable; a perfect balance of home decorating, stories about family and seasonally relevant tidbits.  I am, however, "that mom".  I would apologize for it but I think you and I both know that it wouldn't really be heartfelt and that I would just continue to ramble on about the funny, slightly inappropriate, adorable, intelligent, etc. things that my little monkey says.  Oh, and here's a little heads up: once the Little Peanut gets here, I will probably not improve.  In fact, it's entirely likely that my incessant babble about my children will double (or worse).

So, now that we're past the non-apology, I'm going to move on to the real point of my post.  I came across (another) fellow mommy's blog the other day that had a questionnaire she'd done with her 3 year old on it.  It reminded me of the ones we used to do with the kids at Williams School around Mother's Day.  I was really looking forward to seeing Drew's but since we moved mid-year, it never happened.  So, I figured, why not?  I just asked him the questions myself and since he's Drew, he really couldn't care less who was asking because A) He is equally blunt with everyone and B) It gave him a reason to talk and play on Mommy's computer.

Here's our Q &A:

Q. What is something mom always says to you?
                        A. You say you love me all the time!
Q. What makes mom happy?
                        A. When I'm being good...that makes you happy!
Q. What makes mom sad?
                        A. When I hit and smack and kick!
Q. How does your mom make you laugh?
                        A. By telling jokes and tickling!
Q. What was your mom like as a child?
                        A. Like a doll
Q. How old is your mom?
                        A. 2
Q. How tall is your mom?
                        A. This big...a hundred feet pounds!
Q. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV?
                        A. Mommy and Dad shows
Q. What does your mom do when you're not around?
                        A. Go to Mommy Mops
Q. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
                        A. Myself (As in, himself)
Q. What is your mom really good at?
                        A. Making Hot Chocolate and Being Good
Q. What is your mom not very good at?
                        A. You can't push couches
Q. What does your mom do for her job?
                        A. To stay here and take care of me
Q. What is your mom's favorite food?
                        A. Pizza
Q. What makes you proud of your mom?
                        A. Cooking food
Q. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
                        A. Lightening McQueen.  I know you're a girl, like Sally but I still would want you to                          be Lightening.
Q. What do you and your mom do together?
                        A. Go to the park, drink hot chocolate, go to the library, sometimes you play too
Q. How are you and your mom the same?
                        A. Because we look just alike
Q. How are you and your mom different?
                        A. I'm a boy and you're a girl!
Q. How do you know your mom loves you?
                        A. By hugging
Q. What is Mommy's favorite thing about Daddy?
                        A. You two love each other
Q. Where is your mom's favorite place to go
                        A. Subway

So there it is.  Enjoy, laugh, roll your eyes...whatever suits you.  I have one adorable little monkey though and I just can't help but love to listen what he says and then pass it on to y'all!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Can I See in Your Tummy?"

I have a few other friends that are also expecting and we're always saying how crazy it is that something so tiny has so much control.  This little peanut controls what I eat, how much I do around the house (read: very little), how I feel, how many times I cry during a day and has hours of conversation revolving around it.  In addition, it peaks Drew's interest like nothing else I've ever seen...which in turn leads to a whole host of questions, comments and concerns.

He's extremely interested in seeing pictures of babies in utero so we sit down at least once a week and look up on the computer what is happening each week and what the baby might look like.  (As a side note, this kid may have a future in the medical field...I've known adults with multiple children who couldn't read an ultrasound as well as this kid can!)  It occurred to me recently though that in attempting to help answer his questions, I might have caused some confusion.  Especially when he lifted my shirt and wanted to know, "Mommy? Where is your picture of the baby on your tummy like those mommies on the computer?"

He's also worried about how Lady Grey will respond to the new baby.  I told him that it would be ok and I would be keeping an extra close eye on her.  His response was, "NO! I am in charge of this sort of thing and I'm not gonna have THAT CAT do anything to my baby.  I'm not having it and I will handle it!"  Now it looks like I'll be keeping an extra close eye on the cat and Drew!

Recently we checked out "The Birds, The Bees and The Bernstein Bears" from the library.  It's about the arrival of a new baby bear in the family.  Drew loved the book, practically memorized it and can even quote parts of it.  Clearly, he understood the point of it.  I know this because he walked into preschool the other day, checked to be sure that almost everyone was there and then said loudly, "Excuse me, everyone!  My mom's lap is disappearing.  She is going to get bigger and bigger 'cause the baby is growing.  Eventually she won't even have a lap anymore but when the baby comes then she'll have her lap back...so don't worry!"  His teacher informed me that she is pretty sure he's on a mission to inform the entire county.  Nice...

Another idea that he picked up from that book is that he won't be going to see the baby being born.  We were laying in bed the other day and he rolled over, looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm not going to the hospital when the baby comes out.  I'll need to get a babysitter...I'll just call Hannah."  Good to know that he plans on taking care of that for me.

Overall, he is pretty awesome about this whole time in our lives.  He's wanted a baby for so long that he's willing to deal with almost anything to get one.  He understands that mommy is tired, nauseous, gets headaches and can't be jumped on anymore.  He even goes so far as to remind me sometimes.  I've been dealing with some morning sickness (and while he appreciates me keeping it in the bathroom, "Mom, please don't throw up on my stairs...that would just be rude!") he also know why it happens.  The other day he saw that I was feeling sick and asked me if I was nauseous.  I told him that I was and he calmly answered, "It's ok Momma.  It's just because the baby is growing big and strong."

He takes such good care of his Momma, I'm so excited to see him finally get to be a big brother!

Oh, one more thing.  I wanted to give an honorable mention to one of Drew's friends, Patrick.  Patrick is going to be a big brother soon too but since he is a little bit younger, his understanding of the whole thing is a little different.  His mom told him that she has a baby in her tummy.  His response? "Well get it out!"