Monday, October 25, 2010

When I Get Big

Drew is talking more and more about what he wants to do when he's a grown up or when he gets big. Yesterday was a particular funny day though because he was constantly changing his mind...either that or he is going to have quite a hectic life which will require acrobatic skills that are, as of yet, undiscovered by man.

He started off the morning by saying, "When I get big, I'm going to be a construction worker with Uncle Aaron." (A couple of questions revealed that he was not talking about Uncle Aaron but Uncle Jake. The boy has the frustrating task of keeping straight 3 uncles who happen to look a lot alike.) "Jake can drive the tractors but I'm going to take care of the big dump trucks," he added.
About an hour later, he had changed his mind. "When I get big, I'm going to be a firefighter! I'm not going to drive that firefighter truck that came to preschool though...I'm gonna get my own one!"
After church we were headed home when he started talking about swimming with sharks, and fish and boats in the water. I asked if he was talking about the ocean. "Yes," he answered, "and I'm going to need those flapper things on my feet to help me swim fast." He continued to list parts of scuba gear that he would need and then said, "When I get big, I'm going to swim under water and catch sharks like Uncle Aaron (which he happened to get right that time)."
Jesse was checking the scores of the Bears game while I was cooking lunch. Drew proceeded to say either the saddest, or most promising thing I've ever heard. "When I get big, I'm going to be a faughtball player. I'm going to have a Bears helmet and a Bears shirt and even Bears shoes!" I can't decide whether to be sad that he could have a life of disappointment as a Bears fan or ecstatic that he can be the answer to many earnest prayers from Bears fans...maybe we should groom him for quarterback...
Yesterday evening we were headed to Billings when suddenly he said, "Dad, when I'm a grown up you're going to teach me how to drive. I have to be big though. I'm going to be cuge (huge)! I'm going to be fumongous!" As the mom who feeds this little giant, I'd have to agree with his prediction.
This morning we were back to being a firefighter...the day is early yet though...and his imagination his "fumongous"!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street"

To the average person, this picture would seem odd. There is nothing artistic about it and all it contains is a seemingly random collection of rocks. However, there is much more to it than what meets the eye. What if I told you that the flat, round rocks on the bottom were actually fossilized dinosaur poop? Or what if I told you that the odd shaped rock on the far left was, in reality, a fossilized dinosaur teething toy, belonging to a larger dinosaur species? And the green and white one in the middle? It was the favorite toy of a small, baby dinosaur a very long time ago and now it has become a fossil. You might say that I'm crazy or delusional at best but that would be if you heard it strictly from me. However, I have it on good authority, in fact from a particular 3 year old little scientist, that it is 100% undeniably true.
Want to hear some more? Because, as many of you can attest, I could go on for days with stories that my little monkey has told me. For instance, there was the time that he came home from preschool at the age of 2 years, 2 months and informed me that he and Tristan (his best friend in TX) were going to steal the school's pumpkin patch, load it on the Boy Scout bus, drive the bus to a helicopter, load the pumpkin patch onto the chopper and then fly off with it. Tell me, where would a child of that age come up with that and be able to clearly verbalize it?
There was also the time that Jesse, Drew and I were headed to Billings. All of the sudden, Drew started screaming from the back that we had to turn around and go home; we had forgotten Carter. After arguing for a few minutes that Carter would be fine at home for a while (and getting absolutely nowhere), Jesse had the brilliant idea to tell Drew to call him. Suddenly Drew was all smiles, "Oh good Carter! You caught up with us...its a good thing you're a dinosaur and you can run fast and you climbed in the window. I missed you!"
I was thinking about these things tonight as I was reading Drew a bedtime story. Before he was born and while he was still a baby, I had all of these preconceived notions about what our favorite stories would be. I was going to read him "I'll Love You Forever" and "Guess How Much I Love You" and "I Love You Through and Through" (which, incidentally I did read to him for a long time and have been quoting it for about 3 years now). Since he's been old enough to have an opinion though, he has always loved Dr. Seuss. The wild and outlandish tales about unidentifiable creatures and far fetched adventures just appeal to his zealous little imagination and best of all is "And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street".
This tale about Marko, a little boy with a wild imagination attempting to concoct "a tale that no one can beat" makes me smile. Every time I read it, I glance down at my sleepy eyed but enraptured little man and wonder what his next tale will be. The stories I thought I would be reading are sweet and certainly have their place but when it comes to the perfect bedtime story for Drew we have one that simply can't be beat..."And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street".

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Amidst the Noise

Normally, I go about my days with my wild little monkey running around and leaving chaos as he goes. So, when we got our new kitty a couple of weeks ago, I thought that it couldn't possibly be much different. Besides, my heart that has been aching for a baby for so long was just thrilled at the idea of having a kitten to love and nurture. Fast forward a couple of weeks and I'm still thrilled at having gotten a kitten...I just thought there was never a dull moment before...

In the past couple of weeks, Drew has reached several big milestones. Milestone #1 is that he now sleeps through the night!!!! Of course, since he doesn't get up 3 times, he makes up for it by waking up at 6:00 am, proceeding to wake the kitty up and then the two of them unleash all kinds of terror on Mommy and Daddy's peacefully sleeping selves. Its not much like having a baby...more like a preschooler (Drew) teaching his toddler sister (Lady Grey) what fun it is to climb furniture, throw toys around, pounce on Mommy and Daddy repeatedly in bed and screech at the top of your lungs. Milestone #2 is that he is completely out of diapers!! There is really isn't much to say about the cat in regards to this except that she appears to have a freakish interest in watching him pee.

So, the noise level has reached an all time high in recent days. I fight the urge to stay on top of Drew about not chasing the kitty because it turns out that she quite enjoys it and takes it rather personally when I make him play on his own. They even played football the other night. It went something like this: Drew would stand in one end of the room, he would chuck the soft, mini football (hey, I'm not completely retarded) into the other and then he and Lady raced to see who got there first. It was quite amusing to watch but even more amusing was Drew's prayer that evening. "Dear Jesus" he said, "Thank you for my new kitty! And Jesus? Please teach Lady Grey to know how to play football the right way so that she knows to catch it with her paws...Amen!"

At the moment, Drew is at preschool and the roofers are tearing apart our damaged roof. What is normally a quiet time, is not. Judging from Lady's literal attempt to climb the walls, I'm anticipating that between the roofers, the 3 year old monkey and a wild child of a kitten, I'm in for a rambunctious, loud, and quite possibly FANTASTIC day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It strikes me as funny that some of my friends check my status on Facebook just to see if there is something new that Drew has said. I guess that shouldn't really surprise me...he tends to draw a crowd wherever he goes (by force, if necessary). So, for those of you who are waiting to hear what my incredibly verbose child has said recently, I thought I would do another round of Drew-isms.

Recently, he's taken a liking to a minivan that belongs to a friend of ours. He informed us the other night at dinner that he was planning on borrowing it the next day. I calmly responded that it probably wasn't a good idea since he wasn't really old enough to drive...especially other people's cars. To which he responded, "Fine...I'll just buy it then." Jesse decided to humor him and ask him how much he was offering. Drew, quick as always, said, "26,500." After that we were able to dissuade him by explaining that was a little pricey for a used van.

We've had some concerns recently about his faith in God. A while back, he was laying in bed with me at naptime. "Mommy," he asked, "Does Jesus live in the sunshine?" I told him that Jesus was everywhere. "Well Mommy, what is He doing? Is he making me a baby sister yet?" I told him that when it was the right time, He would bless us with a baby sister. "Well, is He making me a puppy?" I explained that someday we might get a dog but it had to be the right dog at the right time. Clearly exasperated, he let out a big sigh and exclaimed, "Well is He at least making me a kitty!?!?" Once again, I told him that if it was the right kitty, at the right time then we would get one.

This conversation led to some serious discussion between Jesse and I, which eventually led to us deciding that next week, we are getting that child a kitten. When we told him this, he was super excited and started squealing, "Yay!!! Jesus finally made me a kitten!" Last night he prayed, "Thank you Jesus for Amy and Alan (our landlords) saying yes and thank you for my kitty and thank you and please let me bring her home soon!" Unfortunately, it appears that he has fallen in love with a kitten that won't be ready for a few weeks (give or take, in the words of the lady at the shelter)...something they neglected to make clear initially. So, at this point I'm praying that the kitten grows at an enormous speed in the next week so that she's big enough to be adopted. My little monkey is in a fragile place right now.

His preschool teacher told me a story about him last week. Apparently, each child has a job to do for the week. Last week it was one of the little girl's turn to be the greeter but she didn't want to do it. Mrs. Sandy asked Drew if he would like to be the greeter for her. Of course, he jumped up and announced, "I would LOVE to be the greeter!" and then proceeded to run up and down and give every one high fives. They gave him greeter duty again this week.

I guess his enthusiasm, as well as some other attributes definitely come from his Daddy. Before he even started preschool he told me that I was going to need to pack his Bible for him so that he could preach to all the other kids and at church on Sunday, he walked up to the preacher and said, "I'm going to preach the children in the nursery this morning...maybe soon I'll preach for you."

He apparently is determined to continue to act older than he is. Today at the library, a lady with a little girl with her asked Drew how old he was. He glanced over at the little girl who appeared to be around 3 or 4 and calmly said, "6."

That little monkey is funny, charming, quick on his feet and by some amazing miracle, mine.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 Things I Never Imagined Saying

As amazed as I am at the things that my little monkey says, I'm always equally amazed at what I find myself saying. So here it is, my very own top 10. The top 10 things that I never imagined myself saying:
10. No, Baby, Jesus doesn't really live IN the sunshine.
9. Yes, I kissed your imaginary dinosaur goodnight too.
8. Yes, that is a very cute baby but it has its own family so no, you cannot take it home.
7. Whats that squishing sound? Oh, wait...its the 2 year old boy pee that soaked into my flip flop.
6. Uh, that's a mommy thing. Please put it back in my purse and STOP BENDING IT THAT WAY!
5. Do not eat the dirt out of the windowsill!
4. Its not nice to just go around licking people. Why? Because its just gross.
3. Its kind of important to be sure you have pants on before you run out of the house.
2. Daddy only cries more than Mommy because he thinks its funny.
1. Fine! Pick your nose so you can fall asleep...just don't let me see it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Excusable Neglect

So, my deepest apologies for the long neglected blog. I really did not realize it had been so long but it has been a very busy month, so I'm excusing myself...this time.

I thought that instead of regaling you with entertaining tales of the little monkey, I might share a little bit of what I've been up to. The last few months, I've discovered some new interests and I have to tell you, I'm so excited about the possibilities. In between planning and hosting parties, refinishing furniture, making invitations and baking cakes (not to mention an awesome visit from my parents), I've been having a blast! So, I have a few pictures of what I've been up to...let me know what you think. Oh, and I should probably warm you that I'm really only interested in positive opinions...if you absolutely hate it then go about your merry way and let me continue in my delusions...I'm more content that way...haha!!!

As most of you know, Drew turned 3 on the 9th. It is so hard for me to even believe that we're already here but I'm forcing myself to accept it. Anyway, I thought it was probably about time for him to have his first "real" party so we celebrated with 4 of his friends (and a couple of little sisters). He wanted a pool, of course that's what he got!

When I haven't been throwing parties (I've done three so far this summer), I've been decorating our little house. After discovering an old coffee can in the basement, I whipped up some whimsical decor for Drew's bathroom. He loves it (and so do I)!

So, back to Drew's birthday. These were the favors for his little bash. We went with an overall pool/beach theme so each boy got a personalized bucket and shovel, sunglasses to wear (never mind that a huge storm blew in and we ended up with an indoor party), a personalized cup to drink their slushes out of and they were supposed to each make an ocean in a bottle. It turns out though, that getting little boys ages 2-4 that have never been to preschool to do certain things together greatly resembles herding cats so I let that part go. Anyway, they all fit in together for an easy transport home.

And, since my computer is nuts and won't let me organize the pictures the way I want on here, we're bouncing back to home decorations. I recently experimented with making a garden sign for the front of our house. I mixed the paint to match our siding, front door and trim...the end result was pretty cute, I think.

One of the biggest projects this summer was refinishing our dining room table and chairs (that are older than I am). After 3 years of struggling to keep furniture clean and unscathed, I've decided that I'm really into the distressed turns out that there is a lot of satisfaction in banging up the furniture yourself and the dated look suits our arts and crafts style home.

I've also discovered that I absolutely LOVE making custom invitations. It is a complete escape and for some odd reason, one of the only things I can do without Drew constantly needing my attention. Somehow he gets that its just Mommy's thing.

I made these for our Open House party that we had a few weeks ago. It was super fun! I also made a Almond Berry 3 Layer Cake for this party that was a huge hit...somehow, I forgot to get a picture of it though....grrrrr.

This was the invitation to the previously mentioned 3 year old birthday bash:

I even had matching envelopes!

These are a couple of shower invitations from my friend Ashlee's baby shower in May. It was my first experience in planning and throwing a shower and was so incredibly fun! Once again though, I failed to get pictures of everything, like my super cute cupcake tower and bunny topped diaper cake. Oh well, live and learn.

Some of you are probably wondering where I'm going with all of this. Do I find it necessary to have everyone affirm that I'm doing a good job? Did I find it necessary to toot my own horn? Do I want everyone to know that I don't just sit around my house in pjs all day playing tonka trucks? No, not really. It seems though that my wonderful husband (and a few other well meaning friends) think that I should shift some of these interests into a little home based business. While I'm not entirely opposed to the idea, I'm just not sure what it would look like exactly. So, I thought that maybe if I got everything down that I had been working on, something might stand out to me or click in my head and I would realize, "Oh that's what I'm supposed to do!" We'll see. If nothing else, this is proof that I'm not always in my pajamas racing trucks, putting on rock concerts and finger painting...although if I'm completely honest, that's where you'll find me about 90% of the time!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The World's Cutest Boy!

Today, the world is a cuter place. Drew got to fulfill one of his dreams. For weeks now, he's talked about riding to the IGA, his pockets stashed full of change and buying an ice cream treat, all by himself. We attempted it a couple of weeks ago but a call from Daddy waylaid us, something that Drew was careful to take into account today.

He came bounding down the stairs after naptime, reminding me that he pooped in the potty today AND he had taken a nap. "I could ride my bicycle to the IGA and get some ice cream but sometimes I try that and Daddy calls us and we have to go back home and see him but I want to go to the store today so I should call Daddy and then I could tell him not to come home and see me right now because I'm busy!!!!" After this mouthful, I willingly handed over the phone for him to make the very important call.

After Jesse and I both got done laughing at the amount of animation in that one little face and voice, Drew and I set out for our trip. (I have to throw this in there, he is getting soooo good at his bike...he's even learned how to stand up on the pedals to push himself over a bump! ) The ride to the store was without incident, except for a near collision with a brick wall when he saw another little boy on a was, however, thankfully averted.

He carefully parked his bike and took his helmet off and then very business like headed into the store, "Thank you" he said as he nodded to the automatically opening doors. Once inside he drug me to the ice cream cooler and informed me that as a special treat, he was going to let me pick out something too. After deciding that we should get fudge bars, he carried them up to the counter to pay for them.

This is where things went slightly awry. You see, in order for a little boy to get the full pleasure out of an experience like this, you have to have a cashier who will play along. Our mistake was in choosing one who was too busy talking to the checker across from her. Her loss, because apparently she failed to realize that the world's cutest boy was standing in front of her, digging in his pockets for the right amount of change (carefully counted out by Mommy ahead of time) and chatting to her about how her day was going. I'm pretty sure she also missed his parting call as we walked past her counter, "Thanks so much for youwr help! Have a good day!"

Fortunately, he didn't seem to be too concerned by the cashier's lack of involvement because he quickly got back on his bike and we started our trip back. We took a break at the park, where, as my monkey would say, we "enjoyed" our "tasty treats" enormously! It was there though that I realized I didn't have my camera with me to document this new level of cuteness...something that I'm still kicking myself for. Self satisfaction was painted all over that adorable face (along with quite a bit of melted fudge bar) and to top it off we had to pull off his shirt and use it to wipe him down with. It was a very content little man that rode the rest of the way home, sticking his bare little chest out and waving happily to the neighbors as we passed.

Yes, my friends, I'm a very blessed woman...I have the world's cutest boy for a son!

Friday, July 9, 2010

What Did You Say?!?!

Its time to write down a few more Drew funnies...the boy never ceases to amaze me with his intelligence, sense of humor and verbal antics.
As you may be able to see from the picture, he recently had a haircut. The conversation that followed was certainly something for the books. The entire time I was cutting it, I kept having to dodge small hands that suddenly shot up and grabbed it. This was inevitably followed by, "Mommy! What are you doing?? Where is it going? Are you going to cut it ALL off!?!?" When I finished, he sat there with a sad look on his face, "Oh Mommy!" he cried, "am I still handsome?" Of course, I told him he was very handsome but when he still seemed upset, I told him if he wanted to he could grow it back out again when the weather cooled off. To which he replied, "Oh good! I like it better longer." Is this a normal conversation to have with someone who isn't even 3 yet? I'm thinking its probably not...
Speaking of his age, he told me a couple of weeks ago that he is going to be 3 in August (which is true) and then proceeded to tell me who I was to invite and what exactly he wanted to have happen at his party. I thought I still had a couple more years before he dictated birthday parties?
He is very focused on his approaching birthday; at the park this morning, he started playing with some 5-6 year old girls. Finally, they asked him, "How old are you anyway?" To which he responded (in a very condescending manner, I might add), "I'm going to be 3 in August." As if this fact makes him quite a man.
Bedtime prayers continue to be an exercise in restraining from hysterical laughter on my part. After overhearing my friend Ashlee and I discussing that Baby Gracey probably needed a change of clothes since hers were wet, Drew began to pray every night, "Deawr God, thank you for Baby Gracey but please get hewr a new outfit." Trust me, the girl has plenty of outfits!
He still prays for a baby sister of his own every night too. A few nights ago, we were talking after he prayed and he said, "If I have a baby sister then when she gets scared at night, I can go to her crib and sing 'I'll take care of you, don't be sad, don't be blue!'" Talk about the way, he's learned the whole song and now he sings it with me when I tuck him in.
I have to constantly remind myself that he picks up on everything. A couple of weeks ago, he heard a cricket and wanted to know what it was. I explained that it was a bug and that it made that sound by scratching its legs together. Earlier this week, he heard some again. "What's that Mom?" he asked. "What is that?" I responded (a game I plan with him often to teach him to answer things for himself). "Its a cricket," he answered. "And its rubbing it's legs together to make music," I continued. "Oh no," he said, "its SCRATCHING it's legs together." Of course, what was I thinking...
As we walked by a truck with some sort of machine in the back, he wanted to know what it was, I responded that I wasn't really sure. To which he answered, "Oh that is a pulley. You can use it to lift heavy objects." ?!?!?!?!?! Suddenly, I remembered that there had been an episode of Sid, the Science Kid a couple of months ago that was on pulleys. Is there anything he doesn't remember?
I think I'll stop here for now...the truth is, I could probably go on all day. Besides, this afternoon we're going to play on the slip n slide and tomorrow is the Freedom Festival in town so I'm certain there will be much, much more tell by the end of the weekend!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Baby on the Brain

For those of you who actually read my blog (yea, the 6 of you plus my family), you're familiar with Drew's interest, ummm I mean OBSESSION with having a baby sister. I realized as the arrival of his best friend's little sister was rapidly approaching that the situation was only going to get worse. Now that Gracey is a week old, I can assure you, my little monkey is determined not to be left out of this wonderful experience of having a younger sibling.
Many of you know that Drew's quest for a little sister started about a year ago when he would inexplicably cry as we left Target or Wal-Mart. Finally, I asked him what was wrong and got the answer, "My wan baby sistewr" (this coming from a child not yet two). We realized he thought that you could go to Target or Wal-mart to buy a sister; which, considering the fact that we bought everything else there, was not an unusual assumption.
Slowly, he began to get more and more persistent. He would ask me for a baby sister, he would ask Jesse, at night he would take his request to God. Super cute and super determined.
Last week, he took his petition to a whole new level. As we would meet new people, he would introduce himself, "Hi! My name is Drew. I'm two and my birthday is in August AND I don't have a puppy OR a baby sister yet." Clearly, these poor people were slightly at a loss as to what they should say (I know I would have been). Just as clear, was Drew's certainty that if Mom and Dad wouldn't listen to his wishes then he would take his case to the streets. When Ashlee and Jim came over and brought Gracey with them, Drew looked down enviously at that sweet girl and then informed Ashlee, "Its ok. I'm having a baby sister very soon too." We laughed, tried to explain that it wasn't that simple and hoped it sunk in. However, today he decided to take it a step further. While checking out at the library and catching up with a friend, Drew loudly announced, "I'm going to be a big brother! Mommy is going to have a baby and its a girl!" I quickly had to correct the staff and my friend as they offered their congratulations. If a person could talk something into existence, this kid would be a pro!
I'm hoping that he will have a sibling on the way at some point in the near future (we'll deal with the whole baby sister vs. baby brother then) and our plan to adopt a puppy at the end of the summer may serve to temporarily distract him. In the meantime, if any of you receive a phone call from a certain precocious little man informing you that I'm going to have a baby, think nothing of it. He probably stole the phone and started calling people in his determination to make his wish come this point, I wouldn't put it past him.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Small Town Pleasures

As summer is timidly trying to make its appearance here in Columbus, I'm realizing more and more just how blessed we are. Aside from the fact that our adorable little town is most definitely North of the Mason-Dixon line (which I am slowly adjusting to), it is very much the place I've always dreamed of raising children.

Today Drew discovered the small town joy of the ice cream truck, driven by a sweet old lady that ohh-ed and ahh-ed over him as he picked out his treat. Those ice cream trucks use to creep me out beyond belief...perhaps it was the sleazy male driver vaguely resembling someone I had seen on the 6:00 news, combined with the 15 passenger van providing a prime opportunity for the kidnapping of unsuspecting children. Columbus is completely different though. In part, due to the sweet old lady and the fact that her truck is a converted golf cart with coolers on the back certainly doesn't hurt.

Of course, Columbus in general feels such a wholesome and simplistic place. This is the town where almost no one locks their house (even when they aren't home) and where 6 year olds bike to the park on their own and play for hours. A friend and I joke that you could even leave your car windows down, keys in the ignition, doors unlocked and in the event of a rain shower, someone would come along and roll the windows up for you (another friend recently confirmed this to be true). Cyclists and pedestrians abound here and the majority of the town seems to be on a first name basis.

So, while I may not be in my beloved South and while I may occasionally have to do battle with less than thrilling temperatures (today's high is somewhere around 60), we have found a place we call home and can only hope to be so blessed as to raise our family here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Little Rascal meets Sesame Street

For the past few days, Drew has been basking in the glory of a new house with a front AND back yard, sidewalk and tree lined streets, dirt piles waiting to be landscaped, landscaping to "help" with and a multitude of other new things to discover. As he rides his bike around the block at ever increasing speeds, exulting in his torment of fenced in neighborhood dogs, he looks (and sounds) ever bit the part of a Little Rascal. When he careens to the park, taking turns that make training wheels a mute point and meets up with a crowd of preschoolers to play with, I half expect him to start talking like Spanky. Then suddenly, he tilts his head back and sings, "Its a sunny day and it is warm! I'm riding my bike and we're going to the park." He turns and says, "Oh Mommy! Isn't it a pewrfect summer day to ride my bike to the park?" Wholesome goodness that falls nothing short of Sesame Street! Of course, then it becomes necessary to rub ample amounts of dirt on his body and into his hair in order to insure a bath in his gigantic clawfoot tub. There he can splash and make waves while he tells serious tales about the day's, "Abentures".

His tractors have some serious landscaping work on their hands!

He's convinced (and won't take no for an answer) that this tree has been struck by lightening.

He watched Daddy build this swing for the backyard. He kept telling us, "I get a swing all my own self!"

Look out Columbus!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A (little) Man of Many Words

Jesse and I were exchanging Drew stories the other night and I realized it was time to blog a few more, before they are forgotten. I put this picture in because it gives a visual of the most recent Drew funny. It went something like this: I was putting in a movie for background noise while we're doing some packing. Suddenly I feel his little body snuggle up close to me. "Mommy," he says, "I'm fweezing!" I offer to put something warmer on him (which he proceeds to pick out). Each article of clothing results in, "Oh Mommy! That's so much better! I so comfortable now; I so warm." Adorable, isn't it?

Equally adorable (and yet inappropriate to laugh at to his face) was a recent discussion on consequences. Drew was experiencing a "teaching moment" after having mouthed off to me. Jesse was explaining to him what consequences are. At first I was unsure if he was understanding when he suddenly retorted, "The consequence is that Kelly the Crane is going to knock this house down!" (Obviously, like his parents, he has a difficult time being told what to do.) I had to excuse myself because as much as I wanted to laugh at the intense face and serious eyes coming from the little monkey, I knew I shouldn't.

I guess one could say that he's becoming quite good with the come backs. I went to "remind" him that it was naptime a couple of days ago and once again he didn't like the direction the conversation was taking. All of the sudden he stood up and pointed at me and said, "Well I think that's quite enough TV time for you. Turn it off and get quiet!"

Along that same line, it was about 10:00 on Saturday night and Drew was still playing in his room. Jesse went in and told him that it was very late and that he would be too tired to go to church in the morning. To which Drew responded, "You're going to be too tired" (with an amount of attitude that one so small should never posses).

Just in case the amount of smart-aleckness is a cause for concern, I thought I would throw in a couple of moments that showcase mere cuteness (without the sarcasm and attitude).

This morning we were on the couch talking about dogs. He announced that he wanted a big dog. "I want a big dog," he said "and I want him to sit on the couch and then I will get him a great big bone because he will love me and I will love him." I asked him what he wanted to name the dog, to which he responded, "I don't know....ummm, how about someting like Clifford?!?!" Ummm, I love big dogs but I wasn't planning on one the size of the house.

After busting in on Jesse getting out of the shower (he's so exciting that we're going to have a second one soon!), Drew shook his head and informed him, "Dad, I can't be like you...I can't just be naked." I keep telling Jesse to lock the door...

Early today Drew was eating a frozen Go-gurt when he spotted the Shrek characters on the side. "Mom!" he yelled, "This girl has sword and that could be very dangerous!"

Hope you guys enjoy these as much as I did. I only get concerned with his verbal acrobatics when I realize that if he's like this at 2.5, what will he sound like in a couple of years...much less a teenager!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Dream Realized

I've posted this picture on facebook and talked about it some there but it occurred to me that I wanted to put it in the blog as well...if nothing else, for the sake of continuity. The 29th of this month will mark our 6th anniversary and for six years, we have patiently moved from apartment to apartment always hoping for more but trying to be satisfied with what we had. Then, we moved up to Montana in January and while I secretly dreamed of a yard for Drew to play in and a second bathroom (potty training with 1 bathroom is no fun), I was thoroughly pleased with the most recent reincarnation of apartment living. This place is huge for an apartment and right in the middle of our small town, where everything is a short walk away.

A few weeks ago though, I had some friends at Bible Study ask me how I was liking our apartment. I responded that I loved it and then (as sort of a side note) mentioned that it would be nice to have a yard some day. My friend Lynn quickly responded that another friend of ours owned the two houses next door to her and was fixing them to rent this summer. I smiled and thanked her for the information, all the while thinking that there was no way that we would be able to actually rent a house. I put off talking to Amy (the friend who owned the houses) for weeks. When we bumped into her at a fundraiser though, Jesse brought up the houses. Things happened fast (for a small town anyway) after that and last week we made an appointment to go and look at one of the houses.

We were prepared to turn her down from the beginning. We were prepared to see not enough house for the money. We were prepared to come back to our apartment, thankful for being able to call it home. We weren't prepared to be wrong on all accounts and to fall head over heals in love with this little green bungalow. Perfect in almost every way (aside from some much needed landscaping and yard work, which actually makes it even more perfect), it has all the charm of an older home with just enough modern update. Add into that a second bathroom (praise Jesus!!!), a front AND back yard (yet another praise Jesus!!!) and the possibility of getting a furry friend in the future...what more could a little family ask for?

So, after packing up my entire apartment in TX in a week, driving for days across the country and declaring that this job better work because I wasn't packing and moving again for YEARS, I find myself packing yet again. Seriously though, this apartment has been a huge blessing and was exactly what we needed when moving up here. I am so thankful to have had it. However, I cannot wait for June 1st when we can start moving into our little family home. Oh, and did I mention that it is on a tree lined street and is about 500 yards from the park and community pool? Yep, for us, its pretty much perfection!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Perfect Moment

So, there's this song that was popular a few years back. Actually, it was most popular around the time Jesse and I got married and we danced to it at our wedding. Its by Steven Curtis are the lyrics, for those of you who aren't familiar with it...and then I'll get back to my point.

I'll take care of you
Don't be sad, don't be blue
I'll never break your heart in two
I'll take care of you
I'll kiss your tears away
I'll end your lonely days
All that I'm really tryin' to say
Is I'll take care of you

I want you to know that I love you so
I'm proud to tell the world you're mine
I said it before, I'll say it once more
You'll be in my heart 'til the end of time

I'll take care of you
Don't be sad, don't be blue
Just count on me your whole life through
'Cause I'll take care of you

For some reason, I knew even when Jesse and I picked it for our wedding that someday, I would end up singing it to our children. So it seemed inevitable that when Drew would be restless during my pregnancy I would find myself putting my hands on my stomach and singing these words to him. Before he was even born, I would rock in the glider in his nursery and sing it softly. After he was born, I would often hum it or sing to him late at night as I was feeding him. Even up until yesterday, he would pull me over to the glider, now banished from his big boy room and sitting by a living room window, climb up in my lap and snuggle, asking me to sing to him.

Yesterday, that changed though. I watch every day as the signs of my once chunky, little, baby fade away. Feeling that loss, I pulled him into my lap while I was rocking and began to sing those sweet words again. Instead of snuggling though, I got a gentle push as he pulled away, "Stop singing Mom...I need to get down and go read," this miniature man said to me. I looked at his long legs and serious face and wondered if that meant that he didn't want to rock just now, or if he'd outgrown this ritual along with all the other infantile things he's so eager to cast aside.

Today, I still haven't been able to get it out of my mind. As I was eating dinner though, Drew climbed up next to me. I smiled and then went to take a bite when I heard his little voice start to sing, "I'll take cawre of you, don't be sad...Mommy? Sing the wrest to me, please." Of course I did and a little pause on my part between each phrase, awarded me with his sweet voice singing along, a couple of words behind. At the end, he looked up at me and smiled, "That's a gwreat song Mom!" he said. Moments later he was racing around the house, playing some hybrid of dinosaurs and monster trucks, no sign of the sweet baby in sight. That's ok though, that moment was perfect. I just have to remind myself, the sweet baby has grown up but he left behind a precious, if precocious, little man.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"All Myself"

"All myself" appears to be the phrase of the moment. A recent growth spurt seems to have perpetuated this even further. Now brushing his teeth is a battle because he can reach the toothpaste and brush; therefore it must be done, "all myself." He can also reach the soap and faucet and so washing hands must be done, "all myself." A trip to the potty equals a slam of the bathroom door and opening it before he is finished earns me a loud, "MOM!!! I do it all myself!" This is ,generally speaking, accompanied by a look and moan that I was certain I wouldn't be receiving until much closer to puberty. This morning's "all myself" moment came as he was dressing himself. The underwear and pants went on no problem but it would appear the shirt gave him some difficulty. Jesse was concerned that it was on inside out; my concern was that apparently my son is sporting a tube top. After several frustrating minutes as Drew realized that there was some sort of problem, resulting in his shirt down around his hips, he conceded that perhaps this one time he didn't have to do it on his own.

I wonder where this stubbornness and desire for independence comes from???

Monday, April 26, 2010

"When You're a Rock Star..."

We've pretty much always known that we have a little rocker on our hands. So, for his 2nd birthday, I decided it would be a good idea to get him a drum set, an electric guitar, and a microphone. They were a major hit but within a few short weeks, Drew had blown out the drums....sad day.

Knowing that Kait was moving to CA and taking her piano and keyboard with her, Mom and I decided that Drew would probably want a keyboard of his own for worked out, especially since we ended up moving to Montana...although I can't speak for my neighbor's opinion of the situation.

A couple of months ago, we decided to get him a snare drum to try out before we get him another drum set. You should hear the kid's rhythm. I should add that I'm currently teaching him quiet vs. loud so that there's some variety!

The boy loves his instruments so we've also added a harmonica and tambourine. You're probably wondering where the funny story me, its coming. In fact, two of them are. I'll start with the first.
Our local library has a Storybook Time every Wednesday. We started going to it the first week we were in town. The children's librarian (Robert) a sweet older man, with white hair and goatee, and an acoustic guitar plays some songs and sings to the kids and then reads a couple of stories. Although I don't know him very well, he seems quite the gentle soul. Imagine the shock of the library then last Wednesday as Robert prepared to begin and Drew jumped up and yelled out, "Come on Mr. Robewrt! You wrock de guitar and I'll wrock de dwrums!!!" He then started banging out a rhythm on a nearby table and yelling, "Wrock on!" Apparently, we need to work on appropriate situations for an impromptu rock concert.
Second story, Saturday night we went with some friends to hear a new band. The band opened up the floor towards the end and Drew charged up to the stage. He started off jumping around and dancing, while cranking out the air guitar. That was funny got better though. All of the sudden he stopped and listened for a second. Finding their performance unsatisfactory, he proceeded to critique them, pointing to each band member one at a time and then tapping his foot in a different manner. The thing is, he was right.
I guess some of you might find it strange if you walked into my room while I was putting on my make up. Drew and I have the same conversation multiple times a week. "Mommy, can I have some of that?" as he points to the eyeliner. "No babe, not now...but when you're a rock star you might need some. We'll talk about it then." To me, as I survey my living room filled with various musical instruments and the weekly request for an upgrade or different one altogether, it just seems common sense.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Beyond Blessed

I'm not a very patient person, especially when I know what I want. There is a particular facet of my life about which I have always known, without a doubt, exactly what I want. I want kids, lots of them. In fact, Jesse and I joke that our goal is to rebuild a couple of dilapidated sports teams with our offspring. So, when things don't go as I hoped or planned and it seems that its taking so long to add to our family, I have to make myself stop and think. I look at pictures like the one above and remember just how blessed I am. Some of you may beg to differ but I truly believe that I am the mother of the most beautiful and amazing little boy.

I remind myself that I get to spend most of my days like in the picture below, swinging at the park, taking long walks, digging in the dirt and reading Dr. Seuss. That's when I realize, if for some off the wall reason, I were to never have another child, I would still be beyond blessed. I have an amazing miracle, a "gift from God" as he would say. I have something that no one else in the world has, I have Drew.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another round of Drew-isms

- The other day I was on the phone with my best friend. A glance at the clock told me it had been a while since Drew had made a trip to the potty. I told him it was time to go, to which he responded, "Mom, I can't wight now. My need to pway nakey soccer." I responded that he could play naked soccer after he went potty - thinking that he was just running his mouth to kill time. Apparently not. He came out of the bathroom stripping and proceeded to kick the ball and run all over the house stark naked. Ah, the advent of a new sport.

- This was posted on my fb wall but for those of you who may have missed it. Drew was headed out to run errands with Jesse the other day. I asked him if he needed his ball cap since he wears one almost constantly these days. "No Mom," he said, "I have a head."

- On the subject of errands, after dropping Jesse off at work Drew asked what we would be doing next (Now what we gonna dos?). I reminded him that it was nap time. "No, Mommy! I a big boy...I could run ewwands!"

- Sitting across from him on the couch Sunday, I saw that he had Bop-Bop (infamous blanket) cradled in one arm and his Bear in the other. He was holding Peter Pan and looked up at me, "I'm weading to my babies, Baby Bop and Baby Bear."

- Along that same strain, before every bite he took at lunch today, he attempted to cram some into Alvin, the chipmunks mouth. "I have to feed Baby Alvin," he said to me calmly.

- Yes, he's still obsessed with babies. So much so that last month when I wasn't feeling well and asked him not to jump on me, he crammed his hand down my shirt, started feeling around and yelling, "Its cause you have a baby in your tummy? Do you? Do you have my baby sister in there?!?!" He was not pleased with the answer. I may soon have a revolt on my hands.

- Lately, he's heard talk of houses while hanging around grown ups. Yesterday, as we took a stroll to the park, we passed a house that I really liked. Apparently, he liked it too. On our way back, he let go of my hand and headed up their driveway. I quickly grabbed him and got him back to the sidewalk where he said, "But Mommy, we sayed we liked that house. I was going to see it!

Hmm, time to wrap it up but as always, I'll give you one for the road.

- This morning he was playing with his big trucks in the living room. As I watched, he picked up his keyboard (a Christmas gift from my parents), turned it over and laid it at an angle so that it was propped up on one end. I asked what he was doing to which he responded that this was a hill. I reminded him that it was actually his piano and that wasn't a good game to play with it. He gave me a sympathetic look and said, "No, Mom...its weally a hill." Sometimes I'm certain that he thinks I'm mentally inept.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Camo Hats and Stick Weapons

Most days I'm beyond thrilled that I have a child that is so thoroughly all boy, no one can deny it. Last night when Drew got ready for bed and he was wearing his camo hat with his pajamas, I thought it was the cutest thing in the world. When he turns our entire apartment into a Tonka truck vs. Matchbox car demolition derby, I smile at the epic noise level and go about my business.

For those of you who knew me growing up, this probably doesn't come as too much of a shock. Aside from the prissy ballerina side, that is most definitely there, I spent much of my time running around with my brother's friends. Thus, I'm not exactly a stranger to the male fascination with bodily functions and beating each other up.

Its that last part that catches me off guard on a fairly regular basis. I feel like I'm constantly replaying the same few audio clips, "We don't hit!" "Its not nice to hit!" "Why did you hit him?!?" As I asked my mom yesterday, "Please tell me that at some point social functions won't end with us leaving because my child hit someone!?!?" She, of course, reassured me and gave the sage advice that I so often need.

Don't get me wrong, its not like Drew is some terroristic two year old that parents should steer their children away from. He's actually sweet and affectionate and runs to hug his friends when he sees them. (Of course, they often flinch as they see him coming...not that they don't want the hug, Drew just towers over most kids his age.) Eventually though, the boy nature just kicks in. Someone takes something that he thinks is his or invades his space and the territorial nature emerges. Sometimes, its as simple as deciding that an awesome sword fight is in order...and by sword I mean a giant tree branch that a child his age has no business being able to lift.

So then my dilemma arises. I've never really minded the pillow fights, wrestling matches, sword fights, football or hockey games going on all over my house and flying toys are something I've become accustomed to. Drew's always played rough with his daddy, his uncles, his Geeda and at times, even me. It seems though that at his age he can't really distinguish between wrestling with his Daddy or wrestling with his best friend. There may also be some confusion between a safe and relatively harmless foam sword and a gigantic tree branch.

So here is the question: How do I continue to let him be a boy but try and keep the rough play to a least for now. I know at some point, most parents say, "Boys will be boys" and they aren't so concerned about rough play but let me be clear, those parents are (generally speaking) not the parents of cute little toddler boys. Seriously, I'm open to suggestions.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Beauty of Improv

I was sitting on the couch earlier this afternoon, trying to finish up a book, while I encouraged some independent play time. Suddenly, I heard a loud rip. I glanced down in the floor where Drew had been coloring and flipping through the current Pottery Barn Kids catalog. His fascination with those things always amazes me; so after I finish flipping through and daydreaming, I pass them on to him. Anyway, back to the rip. Apparently his all-boyness had kicked in and he was demolishing said catalog piece by piece. I shrugged my shoulders, reminded him that it would have to be cleaned up before bedtime and went back to reading. It was just going to get thrown away and in the meantime, he was playing on his own.
15 minutes later, I surveyed the damage. The entire front half of the living room floor was covered in PBK scraps. I probably should have been slightly annoyed but much like the tissue box incidents the summer before his 1st birthday, it amused me. What had formerly been a mere PBK magazine was now a potential art project. Armed with some construction paper, scissors and glue, I settled down in the floor. My little artist ran around grabbing his favorite scraps, telling me what he wanted cut out more and an hour of fun later...we have our masterpiece. Drew, of course, finds himself utterly brilliant and is delighted that his new work will be displayed in the gallery (i.e. the refrigerator). That my friends, is the beauty of improv... seizing the moment, running with what you have and in the end, entertainment for all.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mommy Moments

Today has been a day of moments to step back and realize...yep, I'm most definitely a mommy. It started at 1:00 am when the precious monkey decided he couldn't sleep and then at 3:45 am when he decided to kick his wall and scream bloody murder and then continued on when I unfolded myself from the pretzel that is required to sleep in his bed with him at the sound of my alarm.

I hurried to get ready so that I would have time to do some dishes before our adventure filled day. We had a new experience today; Drew and I made a joint trip with my friend Ashley and her 2 year old, Jim, to Wal-Mart. Now this may sound like a rather boring outing to many of you and most are probably wondering why we would plan a day around it. However, going to Wal-Mart is at best a 25 minute drive over the mountains. When you add in two 2 year olds who are having a yelling competition in the back seat and one stop to change a poopy diaper plus a 15 minute potty break upon arrival at said destination, it begins to get interesting.

The fun continued as Ashley and I scanned our lists. About that time, both boys started yelling, and shouting requests for snacks, sippy cups, toy cars and needing "to hold you." I should clarify, that this does not mean that they actually want to hold us...they are, in fact, requesting for us to push the carts, read our lists and hold THEM, all at the same time. Anyway, I digress. We quickly realized that our first stop was the gardening center. Once again, I should clarify; despite the fact that between the two of us we have zero knowledge of gardening, Ashley's husband had decided that we should go in search of everything necessary to start a vegetable garden. Yes, yes, I can hear many of you laughing at me from miles away.

By the time we had secured at least enough stuff so that Justin could see that we had made a valiant effort, the cries and begging had escalated to astronomical levels. At that point, I snatched a bag of trail mix off an endcap, ripped it open and filled those little jacket pockets with raisins, almonds, and M&Ms. That taken care of, we made a bee line for the Matchbox car aisle, where thankfully, someone had the intelligence to package individual cars of all shapes and sizes for a mere $0.97 (I cannot tell you how many of those I've bought).

I'll fast forward through the search for grey legging ($3 on clearance) and the stocking up of sippy cups and diapers (why does something our children poop in cost so much?). That brings us to the grocery side. At this point, Jim decides he isn't a fan of the trail mix anymore. So Ashley grabs a package of string cheese (it is actually on her list) and tears it open to give him a stick. Unfortunately, its virtually impossible to give one of these kids something without the other partaking so she tosses me one for Drew. As they munch on their cheese we race through the grocery section, when suddenly they realize that maybe they picked the wrong Matchbox cars (too bad). We get to the end, only for me to realize that I forgot to grab Tupperware, which just so happens to be on the other side of the store. I race off to grab some as Drew yells, "NOOOOooooooo, I have to stay with JIM!!!!!!!!!" I ignore the yells and the stares...We finally arrive with a sigh at the check out.

Afterwards, Ashley and I realize we're starving and so we stop to eat before we get back on the road. As we're wrestling with both boys trying to make them stay in their seats, it suddenly dawns on me, "Ummm, Ashley? They probably aren't hungry...THEY ate all the way through Wal-Mart." No, they weren't hungry but they did want the toys that came with their kids meals. One problem, they were two different toys and one was infinitely cooler than the other. I looked at Ashley and grabbed both toys, marched up to the counter and calmly asked the wide eyed kid at the register if he could give me matching toys. He glanced at the ruckus coming from the corner booth and said he'd be happy to.

After clearing up our corner of destruction, we loaded the boys back in the Durango and hit the road. About 5 minutes later, the toy flying and yelling started. Then Jim managed to unbuckle his harness (lets just say that at that point, we pulled over). On the road again, the yelling and seat kicking continued. Ashley and I turned up some Praise and Worship (really loud), talked over it and completely drowned them out. Jim was asleep within 5 minutes and Drew was in a glassy eyed comatose state.

We were enjoying the quiet and talking about plans to take the boys hiking and to play down at the river this summer when suddenly we stopped. Ashley looked down at her swelling, pregnant belly and the look on my face was as easy to read as Go Dog, Go, "I'm hoping to be pregnant by then!?!?" If we are going to cut it in this mommy world, we are definitely going to have to step up our game. There are only two of them now but there will be three by this summer and by next summer, hopefully four. Finally, we made it home somewhere around 2:00 (we left at 10:00).

At home later this afternoon, I sent Drew to the potty. He came running back in tears. Somehow he managed to drop that brand new Matchbox car into the toilet. I think we all know what I did. I shoved my hand into the toilet, found the bleach and a few minutes later handed that car right back. This mommy life isn't for the birds...I better get busy eating my Wheaties and spending a WHOLE lot of time in prayer. On that note, it sounds like a small flood may be going on in my bathroom....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh That Boy!

It looks like today is going to be another compilation of Drew funnies. He has been cracking me up today and I don't think I could possibly focus on one instance. So, here we no particular order. :)

Drew and I were wrestling around on my bed earlier. "Lay down and pe-tend to go sweep Mommy." I asked him why, to which he responded, "So I can go get my sword and smack you wit it."

I poured his water out of a "big boy cup" and into his sippy before his rest time. He proceeded to throw himself in the floor yelling, "No!!!! Not dat cup...I'm going to have to run away!"

I walked into the living room to see him coloring. He was talking up a storm, "Dis is Jesus. He's a wittle boy. Dis is God. Dey are fwiends."

I love how he refers to chicken nuggets as "Chickens" and will ask, "Mommy can I have chickens for wunch?" So cute!

Earlier today, he was determined that Bop-Bop (his sacred yellow blanket) be folded up like a towel. He carried it all over the house like that and came close to a panic attack anytime it came unfolded.

While "helping" me make the bed, he managed to undo everything I had just done and then proceeded to hide under the covers...this led to the previously mentioned wrestling.

He ran around pretending to bite Jesse and I this morning yelling, "My eat you up I wove you so!"

He was pretending to play hockey earlier and every time he got his ball in the goal, I would yell "score!" One time I didn't. He came up and leaned very close and in the most pitiful voice said, "Mommy, you no score the goal."

He calls his tambourine a "cam-or-ree" and an ambulance an "amby-lance"

Ok, well I guess that's it for now. The munchkin just came and asked for supper...although he seems to think it should involve putting peaches in the oven...hmmmm.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day Fun

Today has been an absolutely beautiful day. Being the Irish blooded people we are we started off by donning green shirts before we headed to meet our friends at the park. About then it occurred to me that I could use St. Patty's as a teaching tool to work on Drew's's color being:GREEN. After some fun at the park, we came home for lunch and rest time (i.e. Drew is still refusing to nap so its now called "resting").

I had already explained to Drew why we were all wearing green shirts and been quizzing him a little about what color the were. So after nap...excuse me, rest time...I took a quick look out the balcony to check the weather. It is so beautiful! Although I'm sure the snow will return soon, at the moment its 70 degrees and sunny. The top picture is the view from our balcony and I quickly spotted our destination...the grocery store. Its the tan building on the left. I asked Drew if he remembered what color shirts we were wearing ("geen") and then asked if he wanted to go do something fun. Of course his agreement was quick to follow. We headed out for a stroll to the grocery store were we picked up some quick ingredients ("We makin' cookies!?!?! MMmmm, my wove dem!").

Back at home we mixed the batter and put the first batch in and then the fun started. Drew helped me squeeze some green food coloring into the frosting and mix it. He helped me spread the frosting later and add some green sprinkles. Meanwhile, we sang the green song and watched Shrek 2 who's main characters just so happen to be green.

I've accepted that I will probably always be a preschool teacher at heart. That probably means receiving a few curious looks and smirks at my occasional child like behavior and love of "themey" activities. I'm ok with that though...I know what I love and it makes my time with Drew even more enjoyable. By the way, the St. Patty's Day Funfetti cookies were pretty enjoyable too!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Just a Wittle Boy"

After an afternoon at the park yesterday with some new friends (yay!!!), I brought Drew home to cook supper and get him bathed. As we were headed for the "run in the door, kick off your shoes, and sprint to the potty" routine, I tossed him up over my shoulder and carried him giggling into the bathroom. No sooner had I done that then I got the whiff; nope, there was no accident from this big guy...what I got was the pure sweet smell of a little boy. He was quick to explain that to me too. I tickled him and said, "Boy, you ARE STINKY!" His quick reply was, "Mom, I not just a wittle boy." He couldn't have been more accurate because despite the fact that Jesse or I will occasionally slip and reference, "the baby" there isn't actually a baby anymore. There is nothing about this towering, talkative, soon to be potty trained child that points to him having once been a baby.

Of course, that sweet stink isn't the only thing that points to his boyhood. The poor peacock at the zoo over the weekend figured out what he was dealing with fairly quickly (although it took two incidents...something that makes me question the intelligence of that fine feathered bird). Upon first spotting Drew, the peacock made its approach hoping to get some food. Drew introduced himself by trying to grab a handful of tail feathers and proceed to chase the poor bird the length of a football field in his persistence to get acquainted. When the creature was so dense as to return for the second time, Drew thought he would try force feeding it a rock...that didn't go so well either. My frustrations at potential animal cruelty and expasperations that I never would have tried that quickly faded as I reminded myself that he is all boy. With the abundance of curiosity constantly growing in that child, I should be thankful that was the extent of our encounter with that unfortunate bird.

So my sweet baby has quickly grown into a little boy and as he pointed out last night that isn't going to change. In fact, he informed me that he was going to "be all growed up someday and get mawwied and have a wittle boy too." Of course, as a mommy who is holding on for dear life to this little monkey that I adore, I reminded him that it was long time until that would happen. For now, he's just MY "wittle boy."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Funny Drew-isms

So things have been crazy busy lately and I haven't had time to blog. Still winding down but I thought I'd throw out some recent "funnies" from the little monkey (a.k.a. The Family Comedian).

Its about 6:45 pm here and I hear a big sigh from the living room, "Man I'm sweepy...I tink I need to go back and get in my bed."

For some reason, instead of saying "sometimes" Drew says, "Happentimes." Example: "Happentimes I bump my head."

We're making major progress with the potty training. Tonight he went poo-poo and said, "Wow! Mom, did you see dat fall out my booty?"

When told that Daddy would be taking him to storytime at the library this morning he said, "Yay!!! Daddy gives me cookies!"

He's taken to referring to all family members as "good fwiends" lately.

Jesse and I have been hanging stuff on the walls and so we've had the measuring tape and level out. For the record, the correct pronunciation for measure is "May-shur"...that boy's from Texas!

Upon realizing that mommy got new shoes on her shopping trip he said, "My need new shoes too dough!" I told him that it was ok, he had his boots. To which he said, "No, day JOHN DEERE boots and my wove dem." Nothing more was said about needing new shoes.

And one more for the road:

This morning he spotted a bug crawling down the baseboard. He took off running with his clean underwear and tried to use it squish it. I told him not to use that and he kicked the baseboard as hard as he could and yelled, "Ha Ha! My kicked it in da head!"